New book to detail Obama's hostility to Israel

A new book that details the hostility of the Obama administration toward Israel is likely to be the talk of Washington when it's released on June 23.

John Podhoretz gives this preview:

It’s an ultimate insider’s story told while all the players save Oren are still in place; the Israeli prime minister he served still holds office and the administration to which he was the ambassador will remain in power until January 2017.

It’s not that there’s lots of breaking news in “Ally” that will startle people. Rather, it makes news on almost every page with its incredibly detailed account of the root hostility of the Obama administration toward the Jewish state.

That "root hostility" has taken several forms, both serious and petty:

On major matters, the administration seemed to hold Israel accountable for problems it had nothing to do with.

Example: The Palestinian Authority made moves toward seeking a declaration of statehood at the United Nations in 2011, which would’ve triggered a law shutting down their US mission and suspending all aid to the PA and to UN agencies that recognized Palestine.

In response, Deputy Secretary of State Tom Nides called Oren into his fancy Foggy Bottom office and screamed at him: “You don’t want the f - - - ing UN to collapse because of your f - - - - ing conflict with the Palestinians, and you don’t want the f - - - king Palestinian Authority to fall apart either.”

To which Oren replied that Israel didn’t want the United Nations to collapse “but there are plenty of Tea Party types who would, and no shortage of Congress members who are wondering why they have to keep paying Palestinians who spit in the president’s eye.” He reports that Nides “slumped into his Louis XVth chair.”

Oren also writes about bizarrely petty offenses. In 2010, Obama left Israel off a list of countries he mentioned as having helped in the wake of the Haiti earthquake when it was the first nation in the world to dispatch relief teams and get them to the disaster sites — because the president was angry about something having to do with the peace process.

Even when the administration is acting friendly, Oren senses it is doing so not out of genuine fellow feeling but to keep Israel close — hugging it to prevent it from acting, especially when it came to Iran’s nuclear program.

And, of course, the president absolutely despises Israeli prime minister Netanyahu, with one of his aides referring to him as "chickens***."  In more than 40 years of watching government carry out our overseas affairs, I cannot recall such pettiness in the adults supposedly leading the country.  It's the kind of stuff you might see in a toddler's sandbox. 

Oren's book will be dismissed by those who side with the president, but if this preview is any indication, those who think like Obama are going to be in for a very rough ride as their dangerous stupidity is exposed for the world to see.

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