Time to Rename the Fulbright Scholarships?

The victims' families themselves have exhibited amazing Christian grace by forgiving the Charleston Church mass-murdered, Dylann Roof.  Nonetheless, Social Justsice Warriors continue to wave the bloody-shirt to foment an enraged reaction toward any residual symbols of America's legacy of slavery and racism, starting with the Confederate Flag but ending who knows where?   For the sake of consistency should we not now rename the Fulbright Scholarship Program?  It's a program funded by taxes from all Americans, many of whom would decry Sen. Fulbright's racist views.  He was, after all, a segregationist who signed the Southern Manifesto in 1956 and who opposed the Civil Rights legislation of the 1960s.  And Bill Clinton's political mentor. It's well within President Obama's own power to promptly propose legislation for this change.

Generations of Fulbright Scholars will take notice. Conservatives should abide by Saul Alinsky's Rule: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”

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