And You Call Yourself a Patriot

The Fourth of July is here; you believe in the American Dream, apple pie, Mom and Pop, free markets, peace and prosperity for all. You love this country because you know that despite its imperfections, America is still the best country that mankind has ever established.

So you wave the flag, hang out with family, and watch the fireworks. But what have you done to protect this democracy ... to make America a little better?

Sure, America may be taking about a third of your time in taxes “to make improvements,” but we know most of that is wasted. Taxes are actually making many things worse, but we’re stuck with them (those of us who actually do pay taxes)!

So what are you really doing to make it better?

There are over 500,000 elected offices in America. Why do we cede control to those who made a religion out of applying the force of government to the act of helping others? If we love this country like we say we do, why aren’t we stepping up to public service – real public service – not the “self-service” of career politicians? Unpaid public service   simply because it is the right thing to do. Not to get a job or a favor or a contract, but because you understand economics, what motivates people, and the true benefits of freedom and less government. And you want to share with the world the inevitable bounty.

Find a local office and run for it! Then make that school, that town, that fire district, library, park board, highway commission, township, county or village less bureaucratic and more responsive, transparent, efficient, and effective. Perhaps find a way to maximize resources and eliminate the government body altogether.

Is it so crazy to believe that someday all students will receive an excellent education, the roads will be in good condition, there will be less crime, and taxes that are lower and more fair -- with only 400,000 elected offices in America?

There are 500,000 ways to be a true patriot in America, and you don’t even have to pass a physical or visit a recruiting office to join.  Run for local office. America needs you!

John Tsarpalas is a candidate and campaign organization coach. The former Executive Director of the Illinois Republican Party and President of the Sam Adams Alliance hosts a weekly podcast that “Trains Those Who Understand the Benefits of Limited Government to Win Elections” at

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