Brain-eating toxin devours Connecticut Democrats

A brain-eating toxin has ravaged Democrat party bosses in Connecticut, who just announced, under pressure from the CT NAACP, that the name of their annual fundraising dinner, the Jefferson Jackson Bailey dinner, will be scrapped.  Apparently Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson deserve disapprobation, as slave owners and practitioners of Oppression 101, but why should John Moran Bailey share such a disgraceful fall just for his name’s proximity?

Bailey, a notable Democratic Party luminary, headed the Connecticut Dem party machinery in the 50s and 60s.  Bailey also was national Dem party chair, who presided over the Dems’ notorious 1968 presidential convention in Chicago.

Since Bailey wasn’t a slaveholder, he can stay on the masthead.  And add PT Barnum, Bridgeport native and snake-oil king extraordinaire.  The Barnum and Bailey dinner has a certain ring…how suitable for such a venerable event.

In former times, Connecticut was the home of political dissidents, refugees from the Massachusetts Bay Colony in the 1630s.  The kinder, gentler Connecticut settlers along the Connecticut River waged a savage war against the Pequot Indians, wiping out entire villages, massacring 700 in Mystic, and selling hundreds more into slavery in the West Indies.  When will the Connecticut Dems disown this sordid chapter in their own history?

And why should Roger Sherman and Oliver Ellsworth, crafters of the Great Compromise at the Constitutional Convention, get a free pass from the NAACP and Connecticut Dems?  Roger, one of the five drafters of the Declaration of Independence, was a pal of Jefferson.  Ellsworth was the first delegate to label the new nation “The United States.”  What a horrifying legacy for Connecticut.

Common sense, industry, and ingenuity once dominated Connecticut, home of Eli Whitney; the nation’s premier producer of charcoal and iron in the 18th and early 19th centuries; Colt firearms; Pratt and Whitney radial airplane engines; the WWII Chance Vought Corsair F4U fighter, called “whistling death” by Japanese infantry; and the first nuclear sub Nautilus built by General Dynamics in Groton.  All to be disavowed, too?

Of course, today the Yale University School of Medicine, one of the premier medical schools teaching abortion techniques in its OB-GYN rotations, has a specific residency program devoted to abortion.  While we are waiting for the Connecticut NAACP and its Democratic Party cohorts to condemn Yale’s complicity, as more black babies are aborted than are born in New York City, we can luxuriate in Hillary Clinton’s profound remarks when she received an honorary degree from the Yale Law School a few years ago.

Today Connecticut is home to the highest state and local tax burden nationwide.  Dem governor Daniel Malloy forbade CT gov employees from traveling on state business to Indiana, as a protest against Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act – while CT had the same statute for some twenty years.

Alas, Connecticut is now but a halfway stop for bladder-emptying while driving from Boston to New York City.

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