Force Obama to veto a bill prohibiting sanctuary cities

One day, or perhaps it has already occurred, the legal citizens of this country will realize that wage depression and job competition issues revolve around illegal immigration and overstayed visas.

The crime statistics coming from Texas, the near 3,000 murders and thousands of other crimes by illegals in Texas, are staggering.  Liberals will cite statistics showing that illegals, on percentage, perpetrate fewer crimes than the citizenry.  Lost on liberals is the fact that if there were no illegal immigrants, those crimes would not have occurred in the first place.

Congress should pass legislation ending sanctuary cites and send it to the pre-announced veto from President Obama.  This would serve several very important functions.

It would crystallize the unconstitutional nature of sanctuary cities.  The supremacy clause of the Constitution is clear that local and state law cannot interfere with or trump federal law.  For Obama to veto a bill that would ensure the implementation of the supremacy clause would be to lay bare his unconstitutional attitude for all to see.  If they haven’t seen it to date, it will be undeniable and without defense.

With the veto comes the clear violation of the oath of office.  To defend the Constitution and to uphold the law's language flies diametrically opposed to any veto of a bill to ensure the keeping of federal law.

Finally, legal immigrants, those who silently oppose illegal immigration due to its wage and employment impacts, will be an unexpected addition to the Republican ledger.

The oath of office has become a ceremonial task offering imagery but no allegiance to the words sworn.  It was ominous that the Obama/Roberts oath "show" was bungled.  But if words matter, if oaths taken are to be honored, and if truth is to be served, oath-breaking must carry a penalty. 

Send the bill to Obama, and when he vetoes, take it to the Supreme Court.  Even this court cannot invert the supremacy clause, but some will try.  What an exhibition it would be.

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