I love my country more than Macy's

As a working mother of five, once-a-month Saturday trips to our outdoor mall always end with a stop at my favorite store, Macy's. 

But no more.

I feel no loyalty to a retailer ready to dump Donald Trump's brand merchandise from their stores because they care more about illegal immigrants than legal American citizens. 

Macy's severed their business relationship with Trump after the presidential candidate told an audience of thousands on June 16 that murderers, rapists and criminals from Mexico are entering our country illegally.

Soon after Trump's remarks hit the mainstream the real estate mogul said he received a call from CEO Terry Lundgren. The company’s top guy caved and chose to cut ties with Trump rather than risk left-wing Hispanic groups demonstrating outside his stores.

Macy's then released a public statement saying they are "a company that stands for diversity and inclusion...we welcome all customers."

Except the silent majority. Except those who support Trump.

Macy’s doesn’t want us. Americans standing for the rule of law and against illegal immigration can take a hike.

According to Yahoo News the store' s faithful middle-class shoppers are a dying breed anyway.

The store is now focusing on the fast-growing Hispanic population and multicultural buyers.

In 2015, Macy's entered into an exclusive deal with a fashion brand called Thalia Sodi, promoted by the Mexican pop singer Thalia. It's a smart business decision, Thalia has friends in the American government. Her popularity was on full display at the White House in 2009 when she danced the salsa with Obama. (see video)

It's not surprising Macy's move to dump Trump comes at the same time the retailer is pandering to the ever- increasing influx of illegals swarming across our borders.

Fortune online magazine pointed out the Thalia line at Macy’s is sending an important message:

…when you're trying to fill in those "white spaces" in the market, it's crucial to have more than just white faces at your company.

Macy's decision to play this kind of identity politics with its customers is plain dumb. They'll end up shrinking their market share. Will illegals be able to fill in those white spaces?

But more to the point, Macy’s is essentially in denial.  

Trump is right. And most Americans get it. We have illegal immigrants being welcomed across the border; given free heath care, schooling, food, tax refunds and housing while the worst of them rape, kill and rob us. Then, they are caught, released, and deported several times over, only to come back and commit more crimes.

No wonder thousands of stalwart customers like me are cutting up their Macy’s credit cards.

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