Which Democrat does Atticus Finch remind you of?

I was never a big fan of To Kill a Mockingbird.  As a kid I thought it was tedious, partially because it had no spaceships or lasers or any narration from a robot's point of view.

While the ostensible subject of the story – the discrimination that blacks suffered in the South before desegregation – was quite real, the way it was taught in my school was something else.  The lesson we were made to learn was about our current justice system: "When minorities are accused of crimes, they are not guilty.  They are invariably gentle, well-intentioned innocent bystanders framed by the evil white justice system."  Also, as I read the book, I thought Scout was a boy's name and Jem was a girl's name, and so by misinterpretation I had my first experience with transgenderism in literature.

Now we find the hidden prequel to Mockingbird called Go Set a Watchman.  In this book, Atticus Finch, the liberal hero of Mockingbird who defends the wrongly accused black man, turns out himself to be a racist!

He delivers observations such as: “The Negroes down here are still in their childhood as a people.” And he asks his daughter: “Do you want Negroes by the carload in our schools and churches and theatres? Do you want them in our world? Do you want your children going to a school that’s been dragged down to accommodate Negro children?”

And as I read this I said to myself, who does this remind me of? And then I realized, "Democrats!"  Specifically, Democrats who speak out on behalf of blacks but don't view them as equals, like these gentlemen:

If a politician was a former leader of the Klu Klux Klan, it's ok if he was a liberal like Robert Byrd.

If another politician says Obama can be successful because he's a light skinned black and doesn't speak with a "Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one", that's ok, if it's a liberal like Harry Reid.

If someone says that Obama is the first Black candidate who is "bright and cleancut", that is ok, as long as he's a liberal like Joe Biden.

And let's not forget Bill Clinton, who paid tribute to his racist mentor, J. William Fulbright:

Democrat Bill Clinton praised Democratic Senator William Fullbright, a segregationist.

We come to celebrate and give thanks for the remarkable life of J. William Fulbright, a life that changed our country and our world forever and for the better. . . . In the work he did, the words he spoke and the life he lived, Bill Fulbright stood against the 20th century’s most destructive forces and fought to advance its brightest hopes

And let's also not forgot Democrats who claim to love blacks but choose to live in communities that are the whitest of the white:

Hillary Clinton, as we all know, lives in Chappaqua with her mail server. Chappaqua is 92% white.  What about the great socialist, Bernie Sanders? The former mayor of Burlington, Vermont, represented a town which is 89% white and less than 3% hispanic; again, the whitest of the white. 

We don't know what's going on in their minds, but isn't it curious that they choose to live in places where they don't encounter "Negros by the carload," as Atticus would say?

Exit question: What other villainous literary characters do  Democrats remind you of?

This article was produced by NewsMachete.com, the conservative news site.

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