American feminists and ISIS sex slaves: The silence of the shams

Feminists have a lot to complain about.  They post sexy pictures online to protest Silicon Valley "discrimination" against women, they think office temperatures are biased against women, they hold parades to demand the right to be called "sluts," they demand written consent for sex, they complain that women can't negotiate salaries, that movies feature too few 50-year-old women, and so on.

These seem like really big issues, perhaps, until you see what is happening in the Middle East.

ISIS fanatics have executed 19 women for refusing to have sex with its fighters, a Kurdish official has said. They were put to death because they refused to 'participate in the practice of sexual jihad,' a spokesman for the Kurdish Democratic Party in Mosul told Iraqi News.

She also verified a disturbing ISIS document which suggested the extremists sell the Yazidi and Christian women and children they have abducted, with girls aged just one to nine-years-old fetching the most money.

[A] shocking document described the women it abducted as 'items' and claimed a decrease in demand of 'women and cattle' affected 'Islamic State revenues as well as the funding of mujahideen in the battlefield'.

It then gives the prices of women and children by age, with one to nine-year-olds costing the most - around £110. The older the women, the lower the price.

An ISIS video released in November last year appeared to show an ISIS 'sex slave market' where fighters can choose among different Yazidi girls who are priced according to 'desirable' physical features.

Only last month, three Yazidi women who were forced to become jihadi said they were raped 'five times a day' after being traded as human cargo. 

Bushra, who tried to kill herself when she was sold to an ISIS extremist, said: ''He raped me about five times a day. My sister was barely 14 when they raped her... I could hear her screaming but I couldn't do anything as I was tied up.'

... hundreds, and possibly thousands, have been forced to marry, 'sold' or given as 'gifts' to Islamic State fighters or their supporters - and many held as sexual slaves are girls younger than 14.

And the reaction of liberals and feminists in America?  Not a peep.

Three possibilities:

1) Feminist groups don't care what happens to women in the Middle East because they are dark-skinned.

2) Feminist groups get angry about thermostat temperatures, and when men smile at then in the office, but are A-OK with women being taken as sex slaves.  In that case, they would have no objections if Silicon Valley treated women as ISIS does.  You'd hear no complaints if Google took women as concubines, or if Apple awarded young women as performance bonuses to their male engineering staff.

3) The feminist movement isn't really about "women's rights"; rather, it is about browbeating American men and getting special privileges in society not merited by conduct or skill.  I think this is the likeliest explanation.

What other explanation could there be?

This article was produced by, the conservative news site.

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