Come laugh with us as we read Bush's 'Why Jeb?' flier!

As an attorney, I know never to ask a question in open court unless I already know what the answer will be.  Unfortunately, Jeb Bush didn't adhere to that precaution, as one of the Super PACs supporting him (with the unfortunate Viagra-themed name "Right to Rise") produced a flier entitled "Why Jeb?" without giving an answer to the question.

In the postcard on one side we see a very unflattering photo of Jeb with his arms on his hips while he sticks his belly out, in a checkered shirt that makes him look like some kind of accidental tourist.  "Why Jeb?" is written in very big letters.  On the other side we see a more professional photo of Jeb with his belly hidden behind a podium.

But there is still no answer to the question.  Instead, there are two quotes from establishment Republican columnist George Will, who says that Jeb is the most conservative governor of a large state since Ronald Reagan.

It's a rather easy comparison, given that most governors of places like New York, California, and Illinois have been far-left Democrats.  It's like saying that Jeb is "severely conservative" compared to senators from Vermont and Massachusetts.  But even this limited comparison simply isn't true.  What about Rick Perry?  Except for his record on immigration, he was a quite conservative governor of a large state called Texas.  Much more conservative than Jeb.

The other quote is from the Weekly Standard, which also represents crony capitalist Republicans.  Their quote reads: "Bush was not only the best governor in America but the most conservative."  Really?  Most conservative?  Even more than Paul LePage in Maine, or Bobby Jindal in Louisiana?  Did they support Common Core and illegal immigration?  I don't think so.

But even if true, neither of these are reasons to be elected president.  A reason to be elected president is if you promise, prospectively, to do something.  The only thing Jeb has promised so far is to legalize all the illegal aliens.  He has no other answer.

It's comical that Jeb's PAC spends millions to send out a question "Why Jeb?" with no real answer except non sequiturs from RINOs and a photo of his belly.  Pundits are impressed he's raised so much money, but if this is how he spends it, I'm not worried in the slightest.

This article was produced by, the conservative news site.

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