Donald Trump's Immigration Reform Plan

Donald Trump has taken our political system by storm, shaking up the Republican political establishment and defying the media.  It’s been great to watch, as both the GOP elite and the Mainstream Media get the comeuppance they so richly deserve.

Trump, however, while strong on the big picture has thus far been somewhat lacking in the details, and sometimes gives the impression that he is making things up as he goes along.

That may be changing, however, as Campaign Trump is beginning to provide more detailed policy proposals, at least on the topic of immigration.   And for those of us who want a sane immigration policy, it looks good.

Trump has published a position paper entitled “Immigration Reform That Will Make America Great Again.” It is available on the Trump campaign website; you can access it here.   

The paper has many commonsense proposals for our immigration system, and if Trump (or any president) could enact them, it would be a great improvement over our current system.   The Trump proposals may seem shocking for some, but that’s only because we’ve gotten accustomed to an immigration system that is so suicidal that rational proposals can seem like a shock. 

The document states < “Real immigration reform puts the needs of working people first – not wealthy globetrotting donors.”    It sets out “three core principles of real immigration reform,” which are

1. A nation without borders is not a nation. There must be a wall across the southern border.

2. A nation without laws is not a nation. Laws passed in accordance with our Constitutional system of government must be enforced.

3. A nation that does not serve its own citizens is not a nation. Any immigration plan must improve jobs, wages and security for all Americans.

Trump has provoked a lot of controversy by speaking specifically about Mexico and its role in our immigration situation.  As a former resident of Mexico, I find that all very interesting.  I observed  years ago that the Mexican elite promotes emigration from Mexico to the U.S., for several self-interested reasons.

Trump points out: “For many years, Mexico’s leaders have been taking advantage of the United States by using illegal immigration to export the crime and poverty in their own country (as well as in other Latin American countries).” 

The Trump document points out that illegal immigration into our country costs a lot and hurts our own job market.

Trump has gotten a lot of flak for pointing  out the relationship between illegal immigration and crime.   But he was right.  And the document provides more evidence.

Trump wants to build a wall on the Mexican border.  Not only that, but he wants Mexico to pay for it! 

How would that happen?  Trump proposes that until Mexico pays for the wall, the U.S. will take measures such as impounding remittance payments sent  to Mexico from illegal aliens in the U.S. (which ought to be done anyway), increasing visa fees on Mexicans crossing the border and  Mexican CEOs and diplomats.  In short, says Trump, “ We will not be taken advantage of anymore.”

Building a wall would still be worth it even if we paid for it.   I think that the part about making Mexico pay is to make their government accountable.   It’s rather revolutionary, as it’s been a long time since a U.S. president has stood up to Mexico.

Under the heading of “Defend the Laws and Constitution of the United States”, Trump proposes the following:

  1. Triple the number of ICE  [Immigration and Customs  Enforcement] officers. 
  2. Nationwide e-verify.
  3. Mandatory return of criminal aliens.    
  4. Detention, not catch-and-release.   
  5. Defund sanctuary cities. 
  6. Enhanced penalties for overstaying a visa. 
  7. Cooperate with local gang task forces.
  8. End birthright citizenship.  

These are all good, commonsense proposals.  The last one, the abolition of birthright citizenship to the children of illegal aliens, would greatly help in the deportation process, as such children make it more difficult to deport their parents.  That way the whole family could be deported together.

In the section entitled “Put American Workers First,” the position paper explains the bad effects that our immigration policies have on working class Americans.

For example, “nearly 40% of black teenagers are unemployed.”  And “Nearly 30% of Hispanic teenagers are unemployed.”

As the Trump Document explains, “The influx of foreign workers holds down salaries, keeps unemployment high, and makes it difficult for poor and working class Americans – including  immigrants themselves and their children – to earn   a middle class wage. Nearly half of all immigrants and their US-born children currently live in or near poverty,  including more than 60 percent of Hispanic immigrants.”

Nevertheless, we just keep bringing them in. 

“Every year, we voluntarily admit another 2 million new immigrants, guest workers, refugees, and dependents, growing our existing all-time historic record population of 42 million immigrants. We need to control the admission of new low-earning workers  in order to: help wages grow, get teenagers back to  work, aid minorities’ rise into the middle class, help  schools and communities falling behind, and to ensure our immigrant members of the national family become part of the  American dream.”

Specific proposals in this category include the following:

  1. Increase prevailing wage for H-1Bs.  
  2. Requirement to hire American workers first.
  3. End welfare abuse.
  4. Jobs program for inner city youth.
  5. Refugee program for American children.
  6. Immigration moderation.  [This proposal  states that “Before any new green cards are issued to foreign workers abroad, there will be a pause where employers will have to hire from the domestic pool of unemployed immigrant and native workers.”]

These are the Trump proposals. I think there is a lot there that would be beneficial to our country.    It would definitely make for a better immigration system than our current one.

Such proposals could help form a winning platform for Trump, or even other candidates.

And they might just help to save our country.

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