Here we go again: Sanders says some criticism of Hillary 'sexist'

If you're tired of President Obama and his supporters playing the race card at the drop of a hat, fear not.  Bernie Sanders is giving us a preview of Democrats who won't hesitate to play the gender card in service to Hillary Clinton's campaign.

Washington Post:

"I think for a variety of reasons, Hillary Clinton has been under all kinds of attack for many, many years," Sanders said during an interview with CBS's "Face the Nation."

"In fact, I can't think of many personalities who have been attacked for more reasons than Hillary Clinton. And, by the way, let me be frank — and I'm running against her: Some of it is sexist."

The comments came in response to a question about Clinton's private e-mail server and whether her handling of the controversy surrounding her e-mail raises questions about her trustworthiness.

Sanders declined to criticize Clinton on the issue.

"I don't know that a man would be treated the same way that Hillary is," he said. "All that I can say is I have known Hillary Clinton for 25 years. I admire her. I respect her. I like her. She and I have very different points of view on a number of issues."

Sanders doesn't have a leg to stand on.  The email server issue has nothing to do with gender.  In fact, if her name were Hillary Jones, she would probably already have been forced out of the race.  Destorying evidence after Congress requested it, storing classified information on a private server vulnerable to hacking, and constantly lying about it all would disqualify anyone – man or woman – from holding high office.

As for Sanders, he is pandering for a slice of the women's vote by standing up for Clinton.  He probably doesn't expect to siphon off a majority of female voters, but every bit helps, since women will be Clinton's strongest and most loyal constituency.

Just when we thought we were nearly done with identity poker, Sanders raises the probability we're just getting started.

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