Keep them airborne, all the time

Yesterday Flora went down the road for a chat with our deep-green neighbor, Professor Percival.   She hoped this would earn green points for her in the Leafy-Green Ladies Circle.

She came back agog: “Our professor is flying business class to Canberra hoping to get on the climate cavalcade going to a conference in Paris soon.  He says they have this important job to prepare the secret first draft of a new international treaty to save the world from your wicked coal-mining mates.”

I said they should put them all to work underground.

Later, I complained to our sensible neighbour, Fred McNally, about all this waste on wasteful travel.

But Fred had a totally different view.

“It was not a bunch of airborne academics who concocted the Kyoto land grab that stopped me from feeding mulga to starving sheep – it was climate industry busybodies at their desks.  Better if the whole green industry is kept in the air flying, or sipping champagne in Paris, rather than modeling carbon ration plans for us, or tramping over every proposed development site looking for skinks, toads and butterflies.”

“We should keep the whole lot, in the air, all the time – it would cost the country a lot less.”

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