Obama White House staffer charged after shooting gun at boyfriend

In yet another “unprecedented” (one of Barack Obama’s favorite terms) landmark, a special assistant to the president and House legislative affairs liaison has been charged with first- and second-degree assault charges, as well as one count of reckless endangerment for shooting at her boyfriend.  The White House staffer, Barvetta Singletary, reportedly:

Photo credit: S.S. Democratic Party

… confronted her boyfriend, a Capitol Hill police officer, about another woman he was seeing before grabbing his two cellphones and his .40 caliber Glock 23 service weapon, NBC reported.

When the officer refused to give Singletary his cellphone passwords, she took the gun and pointed it at him, saying: 'You taught me how to use this. Don't think I won't use it,' according to the arrest warrant.

Police said she pointed the duty weapon in his direction and fired one round.

The incident unfolded on Friday when Singletary summoned her boyfriend, who has not been identified, via text, asking him to come to her home in Upper Marlboro, Maryland for sex, according to charging documents.

Afterwards Singletary asked her boyfriend about another woman he was dating, CNN reports.

She then asked him to step outside and they both went to his car, investigators said.

While inside the car, she asked to see his two cellphones. When he refused, she grabbed them and his duty weapon out of a bag and ran back inside her home as he followed, according to the charging documents.

She fired one round and the officer fled her house and called police. Singletary was arrested without incident, authorities said.

You stay classy, Obama White House!  The Russians have an expression, “nekulturny,” that seems apt when considering the Obama White House.

How long will it be until someone complains about racial profiling?  After all, one hundred percent of White House staffers charged with shooting at their boyfriends are African-American.  Case closed.

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