Trump vows never to give up his microphone to bullies

Donald Trump lambasted presidential candidate, Senator Bernie Sanders, for allowing Black Lives Matter activists to take over his stage in Seattle this past weekend. Trump adamantly declared he and his security are ready for a fight if anyone tries to grab his microphone.

From The Hill.

"I would never give up my microphone, I thought that was disgusting,” Trump told reporters at a press conference in Michigan on Tuesday night. "That showed such weakness, the way he was taken away by two young women. They just took the whole place over!”

That will never happen with me...I don’t know if I’ll do the fighting myself, or if other people will, but that was a disgrace,” Trump added. "I felt badly for him, but it showed that he’s weak."

Predictably, Trump's comments are getting national attention.  During an interview with the founder of Boston's Black Lives Matter chapter, CNN's Carol Costello asked if BLM  has plans to  target some of Donald Trump's campaign events.  Duanasia Yancey said she can "guarantee there will be call-outs" to the 25 chapters across the country.

Costello responded,"Then we'll see how strong Donald Trump really is, right?" 

Costello isn't the only mainstream reporter encouraging violence.  Over at ThinkProgress the headline read, "Trump Vows to Beat Up Black Lives Matter Protesters if They Try to Speak at his Campaign Events."

Instead of asking how a bunch of radical activists could simply strong arm their way onto a stage where a  U.S. Senator/Presidential candidate is speaking, without getting arrested, MSM reporters actually push for more hostility. 

Even Trump's detractors have to admit his vow not to let these bullies rule the day is refreshing. Besides, he's footing the bill for his campaign and some serious security detail. As Ronald Reagan said in 1980 when a debate moderator tried to mute the sound of the future President's mike, "I am paying for this microphone, Mr. Green."  Same for Trump.


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