Ben Carson's Strange Answer

Presidential candidate Ben Carson's latest comments on the Michael Brown shooting defy logic. Following a Friday morning appearance with Missouri Lt. Governor Peter  Kinder and Ferguson Mayor James Knowles, Carson was asked by a St Louis Post-Dispatch reporter if he was in Officer Darren Wilson's shoes, would he have shot Michael Brown. 

“It’s hard to say. I probably, knowing who he was, I probably just would have arrested him.”

Carson also said he would have waited for backup. 

According to the official report from the Department of Justice, Wilson was waiting for backup when the 'gentle giant, ' still in bully mode from robbing a convenience store and roughing up a clerk, attacked the law enforcement officer inside his car.

Does Carson know the eyewitness accounts claiming Brown was surrendering with his hands up, turned out to be false?  

A preponderance of evidence in the year-old Brown case indicates Wilson feared for his life. Here's a refresher for Dr. Carson:

From the DOJ report:

The evidence, when viewed as a whole, does not support the conclusion that Wilson’s uses of deadly force were “objectively unreasonable” under the Supreme Court’s definition... Accordingly, under the governing federal law and relevant standards set forth in the USAM, it is not appropriate to present this matter to a federal grand jury for indictment, and it should therefore be closed without prosecution

Wilson was on duty and driving his department-issued Chevy Tahoe SUV westbound on Canfield Drive in Ferguson, Missouri when he saw Brown and his friend, Witness 101,2 walking eastbound in the middle of the street.

Brown and Witness 101 had just come from Ferguson Market and Liquor (“Ferguson Market”), a nearby convenience store, where, at approximately 11:53 a.m., Brown stole several packages of cigarillos.

Wilson then called for backup, stating, “Put me on Canfield with two and send me another car.” Wilson backed up his SUV and parked at an angle, blocking most of both lanes of traffic, and stopping Brown and Witness 101 from walking any further. Wilson attempted to open the driver’s door of the SUV to exit his vehicle, but as he swung it open, the door came into contact with Brown’s body and either rebounded closed or Brown pushed it closed. Wilson and other witnesses stated that Brown then reached into the SUV through the open driver’s window and punched and grabbed Wilson. This is corroborated by bruising on Wilson’s jaw and scratches on his neck, the presence of Brown’s DNA on Wilson’s collar, shirt, and pants, and Wilson’s DNA on Brown’s palm.

Dr. Carson's response is so unbelievable we have to wonder if he has seen the video of Brown robbing the store prior to his assault on Wilson. Earlier that day, while visiting Ferguson, Carson told a press gathering, “I heard more than one time how the thing that really inflamed the community was the fact that Michael Brown’s body laid out on the street for four hours.”

Carson has to know what “inflamed” the community on August 9, 2014  were outside agitators and their media shills pushing the fake ‘hands up, don’t shoot’ narrative before the body was cold.

Is Carson playing nice with leaders in the black community who are using Brown's death to incite a war on police? Or does he honestly not understand the facts surrounding the case? Both explanations do not bode well for Carson.

Suggesting Wilson should not have shot Brown in self-defense could be a game-changer for Carson. The justifiable shooting led to burned businesses, looting, riots and turned Ferguson, Missouri into a hotspot for activists from Black Lives Matter to the CPUSA. The town is still smoldering from the fallout.   

So far the retired neurosurgeon has been able to smooth over a controversial statement he made to Glenn Beck in 2013 that people in urban areas shouldn’t be allowed to own semi-automatic weapons. And a few months ago he stealthily avoided a serious backlash from his supporters after receiving a warm welcome at one of Al Sharpton's decidedly race-stoking National Action Network events.  

With radicals ratcheting up the war on police and firearm fatalities of police officers up 56% in 2014 from the previous year, will Carson be able to explain away what appears to be a  politically correct nod to race-obsessed troublemakers?  

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