De Blasio says the Democrats don't need any more presidential candidates

New York mayor Bill de Blasio doesn't think much of a Joe Biden presidential run, telling a local TV station that the Democrats have enough candidates in the race already.


"Joe Biden is a great human being. I think he's done extraordinary things for this nation, and I also have to say on a human level, I think we've all been grieving with him over these last weeks. I can only imagine what he and his family have been going through," he told NY1 political anchor and CNN contributor Errol Louis.

"But if you're talking about the state of the presidential race, I think it's pretty straightforward. We have a very impressive group of Democratic candidates right now. I don't think we need additional candidates. I think the candidates we have are really putting forth the issues, putting forth really bold solutions."

De Blasio managed Hillary Clinton's successful 2000 Senate campaign, but has yet to endorse the former secretary of state for the presidency. When Clinton kicked off her campaign on NYC's Roosevelt Island in June, de Blasio was a notable no-show.

The mayor, whose political agenda lines up more with Bernie Sanders' than it does Clinton's, declined to endorse his former boss when he appeared on NBC's "Meet the Press" in April.

"I think like a lot of people in this country, I want to see a vision. And, again, that would be true of candidates on all levels. It's time to see a clear, bold vision for progressive economic change," de Blasio said.

Some local observers believe that de Blasio is still holding out hope that Elizabeth Warren enters the race.  The two radical leftists are sympatico on several issues.  They even penned an op-ed in the Washington Post together on income inequality.

So where does this leave Hillary Clinton?  Chris Cillizza suggests it's time for Clinton to hit the panic button:

Memo to Clinton-world: It might be time to start panicking.

I know it's Sept. 10. I know there won't be a vote of any sort until mid-January — at the earliest. I know that Clinton remains solidly ahead in national polling. I know that Sanders is not Barack Obama. I know that the Q poll has missed before — most notably in the Iowa Senate race in 2014 when it had the contest tied and Joni Ernst won by nine points. I know that Clinton has yet to begin spending heavily on TV in either of the first two early-voting states.  And I know that Sanders has yet to demonstrate any ability to appeal to non-white Democratic primary voters.

But I also know that there is now a realistic — if not strong — chance that Sanders will win the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary.  And that Vice President Biden enters the race and circles the South Carolina primary as his place to take down Clinton (and Sanders).  Add those things up and there's plenty of reason for some stomach-churning at Clinton's Brooklyn headquarters.

Perhaps Democrats have forgotten how Clinton stumbled in 2008 and never got back on track.  Perhaps they have forgotten what a truly bad campaigner she is and how, despite having all the money in the world, she has failed to generate much enthusiasm for her campaign.

Biden appeared on the Colbert show last night and looked like an emotional wreck, raising doubts about his desire to run for president.  Meanwhile, less radical Democrats are extremely worried about the effect of a Sanders presidential campaign on down-ticket races, and if Hillary continues to sink, they may mount an "Anyone But Bernie" campaign.  Their problem: other prominent Democrats who would be more acceptable (think Andrew Cuomo) than Sanders have shown little interest in running. 

In the end, the Democrats' dilemma is a GOP godsend.

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