Donald Trump is Barack Obama's third term

If you wish there were no 22nd Amendment, enabling Barack Obama to continue his successes, here and abroad, then the next best thing for you is to vote for Donald Trump.

Huey Long said, "If fascism comes to America, it will be called anti-fascism."  In truth, if fascism comes to 21st-century America, it should be called game show hucksterism.

If six years of an immature, pampered narcissist have not been enough for you – if you enjoy rule by a clique of incompetent über-wealthy cronies, with little regard for the constitution, led by a man with distorted knowledge of history, geopolitics, economics, basic science, world religions and conflicts, yet thinks he knows everything; who easily lies about his faith, and anything else, at any time or any place; who believes that language is as flexible as Humpty Dumpty's words or merely Orwellian expedients; who has no fixed values and cannot be relied upon to keep his word; who was created by a craven, money-driven, valueless media; who has had the skids of life greased for him; who enjoys luxury to excess; who credits himself with every success, real or imagined; who never acknowledges a failure, even when his own words refute his lie; who never constructs a reasoned argument in debate; who never treats  with respect those with a different opinion; who is intolerant of dissent and is highly insulted by even the mildest criticism; who appeals to our basest instincts and grossly disrespects women who dare disagree with him; who does not seek to advance with ethical compromise, but rather prefers to bully – a man with no humility – then Trump is your man.  President Trump will not only be Obama's third term – he will be Obama's hard-earned and well-deserved legacy.

Yes, there is a difference between Obama and Trump.  The former is a passive-aggressive bully, and the latter a schoolyard bully in a two-thousand-dollar suit.

A truthful version of the political history of the last six years bears witness to each and every assertion.

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