Hillary's new video is the most tone-deaf ad ever

A lot of pundits are telling Hillary Clinton to fire her bloated campaign staff, but I have to believe that the problem lies between her ears.  This woman has absolutely no realistic perspective on herself.  I cannot believe that someone with her past of quelling bimbo eruptions and naming vast right-wing conspiracies would put out this short video ad:

I want to send a message to every survivor of sexual assault.

Don’t let anyone silence your voice. You have a right to be heard. You have a right to be believed. We’re with you.

Ahem.  Does the name Kathleen Willey mean anything at all to you, Hillary?  Kyle Olsen of The American Mirror is not suffering from amnesia, so he asked Ms. Willey to comment:

…that’s a very different message Kathleen Willey received in 1993 when she accused Hillary’s husband, President Bill Clinton, of sexually assaulting her.

“She believed what happened for sure,” Willey tells The American Mirror. “She just chose to ignore the plight of all of his victims, thus enabling him to continue to abuse and rape women in the future.”

She adds, “She’s a money-hungry hypocritical witch who will do anything for money.

“She’s a lying pig. I CANNOT believe that she had the gall to make that commercial. How dare she? I hope she rots in hell.“

Or how about Juanita Broaddrick?

Juanita Broaddrick, who now runs a nursing-home business in Arkansas, told the Wall Street Journal that Mr Clinton raped her in the Camelot Hotel in Little Rock in 1978, when he was the state attorney-general.

The newspaper reports that Mr Clinton persuaded Mrs Broaddrick to have coffee with him in her hotel room during a conference of nursing home administrators in 1978. She alleges that he then forced her on to the bed, where he held her down, bit her lips and raped her.

When it was over, Mrs Broaddrick claims, Mr Clinton told her that she should not worry because he was sterile due to a bout of childhood mumps.

Mrs Broaddrick is not directly quoted in the Journal's account of the alleged rape but in response to Mr Clinton's sterility claim she said: "As though that was the thing on my mind - I wasn't thinking about pregnancy or about anything. I felt paralysed and was starting to cry."

She added: "This is the part that always stays in my mind - the way he put on his sunglasses. Then he looked at me and said 'You better put some ice on that'. Then he left."

Norma Rogers, a friend of Mrs Broaddrick, told the Journal that she found the alleged victim in a state of shock. In reported speech, she is said to have alleged that Mrs Broaddrick's lips were discoloured and swollen to twice their normal size and the crotch of her tights was torn.

"She just stayed on the bed and kept repeating 'I can't believe what happened'," Mrs Rogers said.

I well recall James Carville, campaign advisor and even now defender of Bill and Hillary Clinton, openly discussing the “nuts and sluts” defense strategy of attacking those women (I believe at the time he was castigating Paula Jones as a trailer park denizen) who recounted sexual assaults by Hillary’s hubby.

Aside from the obvious hypocrisy of her claiming to be an advocate of victims of sexual assault, Mrs. Clinton also treads on very dangerous constitutional ground.  If women speaking of sexual assault have a right to be believed, then what of the right of a defendant responding to an accusation?

Apparently the brain injury Hillary sustained – the one that caused her to see double and wear those funny glasses – also induced amnesia.

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