How can Hillary fill up her empty rallies?

Hillary Clinton has a problem.  Her rallies are looking mighty empty lately.  What can be done to help?

Some ideas:

1) Don't limit her rally to supporters.  If Hillary also invited Bernie supporters, for example, she could fill more her rally space.  It would also help if she didn't require attendees to sign loyalty oaths.

2) Bring Bill.  Hillary always campaigns alone, as if she were a widow.  But she should bring Bill.  He's very popular with "girls and women," Hillary's favorite constituency.

3) Social media.  Hillary should employ a social media expert like aide Huma Abedin's husband, Anthony Weiner, who knows how to craft tweets that stand out and that are "sticky" or "viral."  Perhaps he could even make a  tweet out of a graphic or a photo that mimics the up arrow on Hillary's logo.

4) Sublet empty space.  Hillary should consider subletting empty space to other campaigns.  If she sublet space to supporters of George Pataki, Jim Gilmore, Rick Santorum, Lindsey Graham, and Rick Perry, there would be at least five extra bodies in her auditorium.

5) Meet in smaller spaces.  Hillary should consider meeting in smaller venues, such as studio apartments, bus stops, and down escalators, so it will be easier for her supporters to fill the available space.

6) Read some of her favorite emails.  Since everyone is still talking about her emails, why not give in and read some of her favorites?  She can still redact the classified parts – the parts that became classified only after she read them, of course.

7) Announce a date on which she is going to be spontaneous, and then be spontaneous, but on the day before.  I think Hillary could show a natural side, but it will take a lot of practice.

8) Campaign with her deceased mom.  Since Hillary's deceased mom has become such a central part of her campaign, it makes sense that she should disinter her Mom and bring her along, perhaps in an open casket with wheels.

What do you think could be done to attract more people to Hillary rallies?

This article was written by Ed Straker, senior writer of, the conservative news site.

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