Lady Gaga Dresses Gay Men in Slave 'Blackface,' Mainstream Media Silent

There has always be double standard when it comes to liberal entertainers.  They can get away with racism, making fun of rape, and even mismanaging their charities when it comes to helping the less fortunate.

Take Exhibit A: Lady Gaga.  Not only has she been accused of promoting racist lyrics herself, but she performed in an eventually pulled video that has been described as an advertisement for rape.  Let’s not forget about the performance where the fading pop star had a woman vomit all over her and then refer to the performance as art.  Much of the mainstream media didn’t even bother to question her assessment.

There has been a petition that has been public for the past week or so demanding that people boycott American Horror Story, a show Lady Gaga will appear on, this October.  The petition also calls for people to boycott the advertisers. This isn’t some crazy social justice warrior promotion; the concern over the racist pictures that Lady Gaga took is absolutely legit.  A pop star should be called out for such trash, and she should also be able to explain the pictures on her own terms.

In the picture (and there are others online), we see Lady Gaga posing at a gay bar named Lab.oratory in Berlin.  She is holding two black men, one dressed as a transvestite, who are in full blackface.  To make themselves look even more “black,” one of them has a chain around him like a slave.  It’s as disgusting as you can get.  The fact that the event (which photographer Antonio Fuentes claims was a gay slave auction) took place in 2011 shouldn’t make a difference.

According to the petition and a blog site that Fuentes created about the event, he was fired for taking pictures at the event and releasing them to the media, even though that is exactly what he was supposed to do.  Fuentes describes the event as one where Lady Gaga had a bunch of gay men dress in blackface and wear chains.  She chose the best “slave” to take pictures with her and let the slave become her dance partner.

When I talked with Mr. Fuentes on the phone, he claimed that Gaga spoke with a Southern accent during the event.  He told me that he has been in contact with the mainstream media about this event for the past three years, yet nobody would bother throwing a fellow liberal under the bus.  The story has been covered on some alternative websites but has never gone viral.  Fuentes also claims that Lady Gaga’s fans and record company have tried to bully him into taking down the petition.

Paula Deen was fired in 2013 for some racist comments she made several years before.  Unlike Lady Gaga, Deen owned up to her wrongdoings.  Hulk Hogan was fired for an offensive racist rant on a sex tape that he thought was private.  The list of conservatives (or those thought to be conservative) who had their careers ruined due to racist comments or actions made several years before is too long to reproduce.  But since Lady Gaga is an alleged friend of the LGBT community (although that can be seriously challenged) and runs an anti-bullying organization (that has widely been accused of exploiting the LGBT community with tax fraud), she is automatically excused for her deplorable actions.  

After all, this is the same woman who has been cheered on by the media for recently making a rape awareness video, despite the fact she recently made another video starring alleged pedophile R. Kelly (who hints at molesting her in the clip) and directed by alleged sexual assaulter Terry Richardson.  In the video, R. Kelly tells her that he is going to put her under and she’ll be pregnant when she wakes up.  The song the video is based on keeps repeating the lyrics “Do what you want to my body!”

Racism and sexual assault are serious issues.  As proven by the lack of outrage toward left-leaning celebrities when committing racist or sexist actions, many liberals don’t care about social justice; they just want to find ways to bash conservatives and ruin their careers.  The left can make all the rape jokes and racist slurs they want; they don’t have to worry about being called out by their fellow social justice warrior liberal friends.

It wouldn’t be a surprise to see Lady Gaga release a video this year where she spits on her black gay “slaves” and screams racial epithets at them.  It also wouldn’t be a surprise if the video doesn’t cause one bit of outrage in the entertainment industry.

Albert Young is an African-American conservative who works in the music industry.  He is sick of the double standards liberals place on people (even those of color) who don’t agree with their views.

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