Questions for the pope

I am a Catholic, and I have some questions for the pope and the well-known Christians Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi.

When God created the Heavens and the Earth, were all natural resources in the Earth meant to stay there, or was there another purpose?  Is God more responsible for the climate, or are humans?

Did God give humans brains, which allowed them to discover, mine, and develop fossil fuels and other natural resources?  Didn't those inventions improve the quality and length of life for everyone?

Why was the Earth warmer and sea levels higher at times before humans and fossil fuels if humans are the cause?

Are the poor and middle class better off with lower or higher energy costs?

Are we better off using fossil fuels for heat, or would we be better off burning trees?

Did God create the process where humans breathe out CO2 and plants essentially breathe out oxygen?  Would God have created the CO2, which is said to be harmful to the Earth and climate, or is CO2 essentially a clear, innocuous gas that makes plants thrive?  Would God have wanted to limit the number of humans and animals on the planet?

Is communism or capitalism better for the poor?  Why is there so much condemnation for capitalism and so little of communism?

Is abortion a bigger sin against humanity, or is fossil fuel use?  Why are the priorities backward in public speeches?

Isn't it arrogant for human beings to believe they can establish policies that can control the climate within one degree one hundred to two hundred years out?  Who decided what the proper temperature and sea level should be, and how did they decide?  Why were the experts so wrong in the 1970s when they predicted a coming ice age?  Why should anyone trust computer models to predict the climate when it has been shown that data has been manipulated, and previous predictions have been so wrong?

When scientists intentionally manipulate temperature data because the data doesn’t support their theory, are they committing the grave sin of violating the 9th commandment, which is “Thou shalt not bear false witness”?

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