Syrian flight vs. Ethiopian rescue

Twenty-four years ago, Israel, acting alone, rescued 14,325 Ethiopian Jewish refugees via Operation Solomon.  These Jews were being threatened by Eritrean and Tigean rebels because of their religion and the general destabilization of the country.  Once the decision was made, and with the overt help of the American government and President George H.W. Bush, an airlift was instituted whereby all these refugees were rescued within a time period of 36 hours.

These new immigrants, who were of a different color, had different customs, and were culturally unlike any other Israelis, were greeted with open arms.  They were assisted economically, educationally, and spiritually.  Rather than a drain on Israel's resources, they were generally viewed as a means of expressing Israel's ability to help its own.

Today the citizens of Syria, most of whom are Muslim, are facing a similar prospect.  But rather than having just one country to turn to for help, the Muslims have 50 Muslim or Muslim-dominated countries to turn to.  If each of these countries took in just 14,000, that would amount to 700,000 people rescued.  The remainder could be accommodated by other nations, including the U.S. and Europe.

Granted that the situation is different, and one million or more needy people can't be compared to the comparatively small number of Ethiopians.  But the comparison does show that with resolve, perilous situations can be solved.  As a Jewish nation, Israel has it her in DNA to rescue her people, and she is the only one dedicated to helping Jews worldwide.  Keep in mind that Israel accomplished this while dealing with a host of internal problems as well spending enormous sums on maintaining a strong military to defend herself from her Muslim enemies.  The Muslims, on the other hand, are so busy fighting each other that they are creating a refugee crisis and can't take care of their brothers in need, and appear to lack the will to even try.  We have not heard from a single Muslim nation an expression of concern, much less seen any of them step up to the plate and say, “We will help.”

Today the Ethiopian Jews rescued nearly a quarter-century ago are interwoven into the fabric of Israel.  They are a success story and are making Israel a stronger nation.

As for the Syrian refugees, they have a harder path.  But perhaps the Muslims, instead of condemning Israel, could spend some time examining what this small nation of Jews is doing right.

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