The Next Speaker?

During last January's challenge to House Speaker John Boehner, the Congressman who came in second with 12 votes was little known to me.  Dan Webster of Florida had announced his challenge to Boehner only hours before the vote.    A relative newcomer to Congress, Webster was first elected in 2010, defeating the loathsome incumbent Alan Grayson in the process. 

Looking at his biography back in January, I could see why he had the support he did on such short notice. Although only halfway through his third term in Congress, Webster is no newcomer to the legislative process itself.  He has served as both Speaker of the Florida House or Representatives and Majority Leader of the Florida Senate.  It should also be noted that due to population growth and redistricting, Webster has already represented two districts in Congress.  He also represented multiple House and Senate districts during his tenure in the Florida State Legislature.  That is an interesting combination of little baggage because of past leadership positions in Congress with a great deal of hands on experience, shepherding bills through the legislative process, working with executives of a different party and dealing with the all important problems of getting reelected. 

Webster has already announced he's in the race to replace Boehner.  To those who say the young conservatives aren't interested in anything other than posturing, it seems they may be offering someone who has spent an entire career as an effective and even esteemed member of a large legislative body.  

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