It's time for 6 to move on

According to news reports, there are 6 candidates facing the tipping point, or the point when the bank account goes from black to red:

Half a dozen Republican presidential candidates are edging toward financial crisis, raising the specter that some may be forced to drop out of the sprawling field of contenders.

They all spent more than they took in during the third quarter, according to campaign finance reports filed on Thursday. 

The six are: Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, former New York Governor George Pataki, South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham and former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum.

Together, they raised $6 million but spent more than $9.5 million during the summer on everything from postage to travel to campaign rallies. All six are trailing badly in the polls.

I think that it's time for these six guys to step aside and make the debates more meaningful. I write this as a huge fan of Governor Huckabee but reality is reality.

Huckabee and Jindal could be potential VP running mates if you have a nominee looking to broaden his appeal with more conservative or religious voters. The other 4 have no realistic chance of landing on the ticket at all.

It leaves Mr Trump, Dr Carson, Gov. Bush, Gov. Kasich, Gov. Christie, Mrs. Fiorina and Senator Rubio. [Update: sorry for leaving Ted Cruz off this list!] It's time to give GOP voters a chance to see these finalists in some debates!

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