Mother commits child abuse by giving her son estrogen

Many women are afraid to take estrogen during menopause because of the well-documented cancer risk.  But one woman is being applauded on social media for giving her son estrogen so he can live his childhood fantasy of being a girl.

The poor boy in the video is going to go through life with artificially induced breasts...and a penis.  No woman is going to want him.  His only chance for companionship will be through anal sex with men.  He will go through life scaring girls in locker rooms and alienating himself, and being alienated, from society.  And that's the best-case scenario, if he doesn't get cancer.

Many children feel that they want to have been born taller or shorter or blonder or with a different nose or whatever, but it's a phase they grow out of, especially if their parents don't encourage them in their fantasies.  Instead of trying to help this poor boy accept the fact that he is a boy, a fate that three billion or more people seem to cope quite well with, this boy's mother enabled his fantasy and helped him on the road to a life of misery – and, through this video, encouraged others to do so as well.

And the worst part of this news story was how the local Fox News media outlet portrayed this as a wonderful thing, how this boy-girl could come out and tell his story and encourage others to do the same.

A 14-year-old can't make this kind of decision, and the mother is guilty of child abuse.  But she will probably get a medal or an award from some official in our increasingly fundamentally transformed society, for creating another messed up "girl" with breasts and a penis, who will be inflicted upon classmates in intimate settings whether they like it or not.

This article was written by Ed Straker, senior writer of, the conservative news site.

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