No, people and cultures are not all the same

Utilitarianism is a political philosophy that aims at the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people.  Culturism is the philosophy that works to protect and promote traditional majority cultures.  Utilitarianism ignores the very realities of cultural diversity and geo-political competition that culturism rests upon.

When utilitarians discuss the greatest number of “people,” they create an empty category.  This universal category of people justifies the current “refugee” invasion of Europe.  Their argument is that Europe has wealth, and Muslims do not, therefore letting the Islamic refugees into Europe increases happiness in people as a whole.

Culturists acknowledge that cultures compete.  Rather than coexist in a shared quest to achieve rationally based happiness, Islam – the West’s traditional enemies – seeks to subjugate us.  History has not ended.  To survive, we must care about Western people, not just people.

Furthermore, the utilitarians’ use of the word “happiness” is vacuous.  Utilitarian philosophers have long noticed this and have tried to create spectrums of happiness, wherein watching sitcoms on drugs is a less real source of happiness than, say, writing articles on culturism. 

But cultural diversity is wider than all the various shades utilitarians have recognized.  Institutionally, Islam thinks whipping women who show skin is more important than “happiness.”  Cultural diversity is real.

With Britain’s 1832 Poor Laws, utilitarianism helped create the modern welfare state.  In doing so, these laws took no account of cultural diversity.  This might have worked in a homogenous Western nation of old, but it requires major rethinking now.

First of all, utilitarians have no problem with giving Islamic polygamists welfare.  “That’s their happiness,” utilitarians say.  “No,” culturists respond, “the West has a culture, and our laws must uphold our culture.  Our laws are not and should not be culturally neutral. We need to jail polygamists, not give them welfare.”

Secondly, utilitarian thought assumes that all people work equally rationally and diligently toward personal and private achievement.  Thus, utilitarians (and multiculturalists) argue that differences in economic achievement can stem only from Western bias – i.e., racism.  No!  Cultural diversity is real.  We need to take pride in Western achievement and castigate nations and peoples who do not produce.

Because cultural diversity is real and competition exists, we need culturist policies.  We need to create the greatest safety for the greatest number of Western people.  Western nations need laws that uphold the values with which Western people are comfortable.  We need to acknowledge the faults of non-Western cultures and take pride in our own.  We need culturism, not utilitarianism.

John K. Press, Ph.D. teaches at a university in South Korea.  He is the author of the book Culturism: A Word, A Value, Our Future.  More information can be found at

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