Report: UN agency employees inciting violence against Jews in Israel

UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, has long been a radical, anti-Israel organization. Since its sole reason for being is providing for Palestinian “refugees” – the only “refugees in the history of the world that maintain that status for 4 generations (and counting) – it requires continual immiseration and refusal to integrate into new homes for its bureaucrats and minions to retain their jobs, and for donor nations to con tinue to provide them the funds that support their work.

And the biggest funder of UNRWA is the United States, which hands over $400 million annually to the agency. But according to a report by UN Watch, those funds are going to support incitement of violence against Jews in the current wave of stabbings and other attacks in Israel:

At least ten different UN staffers are using the imprimatur of their official positions to incite Palestinian stabbing and shooting attacks against Israeli Jews, with one calling on Facebook to “stab Zionist dogs,” according to a new report issued today by UN Watch, the Geneva-based non-governmental organization that is accredited by the United Nations with the mandate to monitor the world body’s compliance with its charter.

UN Watch submitted the report today to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, UNRWA chief Pierre Krähenbühl, and U.S. Ambassador Samantha Power, whose government’s $400 million annual grant makes it the largest funder of UNRWA.

“The UN and top funders of UNRWA such as the United States government must act immediately to terminate employees who are inciting murderous anti-Semitism and fueling the deadly pandemic of Palestinian attacks against Israeli Jews that have claimed innocent men, women and children, aged 13 to 78,” said Hillel Neuer, executive director of UN Watch.

“Despite UNRWA’s promise, in the wake of our previous report, to take action and dismiss UNRWA perpetrators of incitement, there has been no accountability whatsoever,” said Neuer. “On the contrary, UNRWA’s main response has been to try and intimidate UN Watch.”

It is long past time for the US and other democratic nations to defund UNRWA and encourage the integration of Palestinians into culturally similar host societies. Roughly equal numbers of Jews were expelled from Arab countries as Arabs who left Israel in 1947 at the time of Israel’s founding. The Jews were promptly integrated in Israeli society. Similarly, two years earlier, at the end of World War II, hundreds of thousands of Germans were expelled from territories in Eastern Europe. They, too, were integrated into German society, not kept in “refugee camps” for four generations. The Arabs, aka “Palestinians,” are different and unique in history because they are pawns in the effort to delegitimize and destroy Israel. It is time to end this obscene charade, recognize that there is no more “right to return” than there is for the expelled Germans and Jews, and integrate the refugees in Arab societies.  

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