Why does Obama exploit tragedy?

It's been an awful 72 hours for President Obama.   

First, there is that fellow Putin's new role in the Middle East.  Putin is filling the vacuum that we created.  The old KGB gangster is giving the community organizer some rather uncomfortable lessons about the consequences of projecting weakness.

Second, today's new lackluster jobs report.  The summer of 2015 will be remembered as a payroll disaster: only 142K jobs added in September, with zero wage growth!  We are in year 7 of the Obama presidency, and no one can say that it will be remembered for creating jobs.

Of course, there is the shooting in Oregon, another one of those mind-crushing moments about something evil happening in our culture.

President Obama chose to address the shooting, and I have issues with what he said:

1) Why does President Obama have to talk about this so quickly?  Does he really think that we are waiting for his words out here?  There are times for presidents to speak, such as Syria and a lousy jobs report.  The shooting in Oregon is better left to local authorities and the families who live there.  We can all express our love and our support, but they need to be left alone and without a president trying to score political points.

2) President Obama said that we are the one advanced nation without adequate gun laws.  I don't know if that's true.  I do know that President Obama had huge Senate Democrat majorities and never passed a single gun law.  He had 60, 59, and then 54 senators of his own party and couldn't get a single gun safety law, as he called them.  Maybe President Obama should assume some responsibility for that.  Maybe he should say that his party failed to address the issue because they were busy pushing Obamacare at any cost.  Maybe he should have brought to gun control the same urgency that he brought to expanding the EPA or executive orders about illegal immigration.

3) What gun safety laws would have prevented this awful crime anyway?  The shooting took place in a gun-free zone, where thousands of law-abiding citizens respected the law and did not bring their guns to school.  Unfortunately, one person did not respect the law and shot a bunch of students made victims by "gun-free zones" that seem to protect killers rather than law-abiding citizens.    

It may come as a shock to President Obama, but many of us really don't care how he exploits these tragedies.

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