Moslem refugees, Christianity, and culpability

In the past five days, innumerable mainstream media types as well as politicians have posed this question to Americans to bludgeon their consciences and have them sign on to the influx of Moslem refugees whom our current president – and much (but not all) Western leadership has forced on us.  “How can you refuse to bring these people into the country and call yourself a Christian?” 

Step back a moment and ponder this question.  Americans who wish to deny admittance are being excoriated as unkind, unfeeling, and of course, un-Christian.  It is the newest tool to beat on, lash out at conservatives.  And it is effective.  But it should not be.  Its successful use derives from a lame, partially thought out philosophical position that simply reads as “do good to others; treat your neighbor as yourself.”  And to leave the thinking at this point is simply intellectually wrong and plays into the hands of the progressive left.  We need to deny them this tool.

Is it charitable and Christian for me to extend kindness to person X when in doing so I jeopardize the life of person Y?  Note that I did not say jeopardize my life, but instead jeopardize the life of a third party.  For to open the city gates to bring in this influx of Moslems is to truly do just that.  What rational (and honest) person would not admit that in an influx of 100,000 Moslems, there are 10 terrorists?  What shill of the left would not accept even those numbers?  If you say, well, there are only 10, and yet we help 100,000, reflect that only 10 brought down the World Trade Center and killed 3,000.

Here is the core issue: is it Christian to bring in 100,000 perhaps innocent refugees when doing so with the full realization that millions are placed in risk of their lives?  Think not?  Consider that since 9/11, technology marched on, and the next 9/11 will be only more grandiose, more cataclysmic, more unspeakable – not to thousands, but tens of thousands and possibly millions.  Think radiological bomb, biologically contaminated water, or electromagnetic pulse weapon.  In the parable of the good Samaritan, did the Samaritan stop and bring a wounded man to the inn where his wounds could be cared for only to have the innkeeper’s throat slit by the wounded man once healed?  Is that being a good Samaritan?

Conservatives need to step up, get the mush out of their brains, and articulate why our position is sane and responsible.  It is responsible to our children and the children of our neighbors.

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