Academics now BDS-ing young Israeli kids

Shachar Rabinovitch, a 13-year-old Israeli girl, was researching a school assignment regarding horses.  Shachar took the initiative to contact one Marsha Ann Levine, Ph.D., an anthropology academic with an extensive publication and research track record, whose published works focus on the history of horses.  Levine, whose political views are, to say the least, quite hostile to Israel, snubbed Ms. Rabinovitch with the reply: "I'll answer your questions when there is peace and justice for Palestinians in Palestine."

Cambridge University is already distancing itself from Dr. Levine and her unprofessional, unacademic, and puerile response to Ms. Rabinovitch.  "She is no longer part of the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research and is not employed by the university. The views expressed are her own," said a Cambridge spokesperson to a reporter for the (London) Jewish Chronicle.

And Dr. Levine's personal page on the Cambridge website, saved on the Internet Archive Wayback Machine as late as December 1, 2015, has now been made inaccessible on the Cambridge website itself.

Thus, the camp within academe that implicitly supports, condones, and facilitates 13-year-old terrorists has now come to demonizing the 13-year-old Israelis targeted by the terrorists, a perverse symmetry in the asymmetric warfare now being waged against the people of Israel.

Kenneth H. Ryesky is a lawyer, currently based in Petach Tikva, Israel and on hiatus from teaching at Queens College CUNY.

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