GOP Virginia delegate targets potential Trump voters in radio interview

During a Christmas Eve radio interview, Virginia House of Delegates representative Imad Afif "David" Ramadan (R-87th) spouted what sounds like downright anti-American rhetoric under the guise of a Republican Party "creed."

Ramadan told John Fredericks that if Virginia voters do not want to follow the new rule set by elected leaders of the party by refusing to sign a GOP Statement of Intent on Super Tuesday in the state's 2016 open presidential primary, poll workers can just "send them home."  

At one point in the interview, Ramadan says it's "our election for our  party" and compares keeping non-Republicans from voting to illegal immigration.  If you are independent, by definition, you  have "no  privilege and no right to vote within the party."

Not only does Ramadan fail to understand that Virginia has an open, nonpartisan primary, but he contradicts a statement posted on the Republican Party of Virginia website on December 17.

The executive director, John Findlay, claims that state party officials are "not targeting any candidate, group of voters or an unreasonable barrier to voting."

But Mr. Ramadan, in his exchange with Fredericks, specifically mentions Donald Trump as responsible for the December 16 certification by the State Board of Elections.

[I]f you want to vote in the republican primary to choose a republican candidate, what is the problem with signing a statement? Unless you are not, and that is the problem: you want everybody to come and vote whether they really are Republican or not, because that is what Mr. Trump wants now.

Later he says "populism is not conservatism" in an obvious reference to Trump.  Populists who have never participated in the process or the party, suggests Ramadan, should not be able to "reap the rewards."

On December 27, after Donald Trump blasted the Republican Party of Virginia in a series of tweets for "working hard to disallow independent, unaffiliated and new voters" from casting a ballot, Ramadan shot back, calling the candidate a "moron."

For more on Ramadan, he has been well-vetted by Breitbart, Pamela Geller, Frontpagemag, and the Counter Jihad Report.

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