Norway teaching Muslim refugees not to rape women

Norway is offering instruction to Muslim refugees on how not to rape women.

A course manual sets out a simple rule that all asylum seekers need to learn and follow: "To force someone into sex is not permitted in Norway, even when you are married to that person."

Many refugees "come from cultures that are not gender equal and where women are the property of men," Mr. Isdal said. 

The first such program to teach immigrants about local norms and how to avoid misreading social signals was initiated in Stavanger, the center of Norway's oil industry and a magnet for migrants, after a series of rapes from 2009 to 2011.

... "there was a link but not a very clear link" between the rape cases and the city's immigrant community. According to the state broadcaster, NRK, which reviewed court documents, only three of 20 men found guilty in those cases were native Norwegians, the rest immigrants. A 2011 report by Norway's state statistical bureau noted that "immigrants are overrepresented in the crime statistics" but suggested that this was not due to cultural differences but because many of the immigrants were young men.

There's no clear link!  They're just "overrepresented in crime statistics"!  And it's due to the fact that many of them are young men, it being the fact that...there's no clear link.  Are you following?

... teaching material studiously avoids casting migrants in a bad light and instead presents a fictional character called Arne, a native Norwegian, as a model of predatory behavior. The main immigrant character, a 27-year-old called Hassan, is, by contrast, introduced as a "good man" who is "honest and well liked."

Why are immigrants even being taught at all, given that the training materials suggest that people named Arne are obviously more likely to commit rape than someone named Hassan?  How does one pass such an "anti-rape" course?  What does it mean if a Muslim immigrant gets a "C" in an anti-rape course?

Because of political correctness, neither the Times nor Norway wants to put the blame on Muslim refugees.  But that's clearly where the problem is. They come from cultures that don't respect women the way at least Republican men in America do.

This article was written by Ed Straker, senior writer of, the conservative news site.

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