NPR in 2011: Geraldine Ferraro was 'schlonged'

Where was the outrage?

When Donald Trump used the expression “schlonged” to indicate Hillary Clinton was badly defeated at the polls, he was roundly condemned by practically all media, and most television broadcasters went so far as to bleep the word out when running a recording of his use of the term in a speech.

But as even liberal Jeff Greenfield noted in a tweet:

On further review, Trump is right on this. "I got schlonged" is a commonplace NY way of saying: "I lost big time," w/out genital reference.

And in fact, as Dan Riehl noted in a tweet, the Left’s favorite broadcaster, NPR, used the word “schlonged” to describe a devastating election defeat of liberal and feminist icon Geraldine Ferraro, in an obituary following her death in 2011, and there was nary a peep of outrage, much less universal condemnation. And you know that the liberal media all listen to NPR. Host Neal Conan said to guest Chris Cillizza and drew not a peep of condemnation from the prominent WaPo writer:

Sad news to report from this past weekend. Geraldine Ferraro died of blood cancer at the age of 75, the three-term congresswoman from Queens, the first woman to run for vice president of the United States in 1984, the first woman on a major party ticket to do so... And Chris Cillizza, that ticket went on to get schlonged at the polls, but that's a historic moment."

Listen for yourself:


As with cartoons mocking children, liberals are held to an entirely different standard than conservatives.

Hat tip: Clarice Feldman

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