On women in combat, let the other shoe drop

Once again, the Pentagon has been made a part of liberal social engineering.

News item: Secretary of Defense Ash Carter has opened all combat roles to women.  

Okay, now let the other shoe drop.

When I was flying F-16s, women were barred from serving in combat roles, such as flying fighters. During a presentation to a group of high school students, I was asked by some female students why they couldn’t fly fighters. I replied by asking if they had registered for the draft, and they said they weren’t required to do so. I then replied, “When you want the privilege of serving this great nation, you can’t choose to serve in only certain ways. You can volunteer for certain roles, but you have to be prepared to serve where the nation needs you, despite the sacrifice you might have to make. Are you willing to serve in any combat role, regardless of whether you wish to or not?” Needless to say, my comments didn’t go over very well.

So, after Secretary Carter’s pronouncement, and since women can now fill all combat jobs, all the young women in this country should be required to register with the Selective Service System, just as the men ages 18-25 are required to do. Then, when their services are required and they receive a letter that begins, “Greetings from the President of the United States,” they too will be required to answer the call.

When they answer that call, they will not get to fill just those jobs they want to fill, such as flying a fighter or serving as a clerk behind a desk in the U.S.  They must also be eligible to be assigned (not volunteer) as grunts who will carry 80-pound rucksacks and crawl on their bellies through the muck of a jungle, march across a barren desert using a "cat-hole" to relieve themselves in the presence of their comrades in arms, and engage an enemy who will attempt to kill them in the most horrible ways imaginable.

Will the current POTUS allow his daughters to do this?  Would a President Hillary Rodham Clinton allow her granddaughter to be drafted, or would she encourage her to follow in her grandfather’s footsteps and find a way to game the system?

These are questions that need to be asked of all politicians and pundits who support another venture in social engineering foisted on the US military.

Colonel Dale "Boots" Hill is a retired Air Force fighter pilot and never-to-retire patriot.  His motto is Audaces Fortuna Juvat!  (Fortune favors the bold!)

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