Report: Between 8,000 and 44,000 Islamists already in Germany

According to a report by Sputnik News in Russia, the German interior minister for the state of North-Rhine Westphalia, Ralf Jaeger, said there are at least 8,000 Islamists already living in Germany:

This group [of Islamists in Germany] is actively growing, it now totals 8,000 people relative to the 4 million Muslims in the country. We believe, 1,200 of them are violent individuals," Jaeger told reporters.

The German Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution believes that the actual number may be much higher, with 44,000 Islamists and 25 nationwide Islamist organizations active in Germany during 2014.

The resident base of Islamists in the country may have grown considerably during 2015.  Federal officials have projected that upwards of one million refugees – most of which are from dominantly Muslim nations – will have entered Germany during 2015 alone.

Due to the high refugee influx this year, recent projections that Germany's Muslim population would grow from 4.1 million (5.0 percent of total population) in 2010 to more than 5.5 million (7.1 percent) by 2030 are almost certainly gross underestimates.

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