Rubio declares support for Convention of the States Project

Speaking at a rally yesterday in Pella, Iowa, presidential contender Marco Rubio put himself in support of a Constitutional Convention of the States, a project being spearheaded by Mark Levin, designed to restore the constitutional vision of the founders.  Al Weaver of the Examiner reports:

Rubio told the crowd in Pella, Iowa, that he will throw the "weight of the presidency" behind the idea, which is popular among the conservatives he will need to persuade as he competes with Ted Cruz in the caucuses.

"One of the things I'm going to do on my first day in office — I will announce that I am a supporter, and as president I will put the weight of the presidency behind a Constitutional Convention of the States," Rubio said. "So we can pass term limits on members of Congress and the Supreme Court, and so we can pass a balanced budget amendment."

Presidential candidates Mike Huckabee and John Kasich already support the project.  Ted Cruz has not so far taken a position.

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