The capital of homeless veterans eager to host Syrian refugees

Over the years of cheerful corruption and systemic discrimination, Los Angeles has earned the shameful title of America’s homeless - Veteran capital. It seems that local VA-ristocrats and L.A mayor Eric Garcetti are ready to add yet another label to their own dishonorable palmares: the title of the most hypocritical.

Recently (and not astonishingly) Garcetti has backed off his vow to get every homeless Veteran off city streets by the end of 2015. Actually, the mayor who previously bragged about his objectives in a very public manner was gutless enough to use his spokeswoman Connie Llanos to deliver a nonsensical statement.

Blaming “a significant change in the scope of the problem” for the undelivered promise Garcetti’s rep shamelessly announced that “the mayor’s commitment to housing homeless veterans is stronger than ever.”

Millions of dollars that should have freed our heroes from inhuman torture of homelessness traditionally disappeared into thin air and the trail of crocodile tears shed by the Obamas and Garcetti still leads to Skid Row.

After the "Woops! Veterans will stay homeless” nonchalant disclosure, Mayor Garcetti jetted off to Paris COP 21, but not without signing a sycophantic letter urging Obama “to increase still further the number of Syrian refugees the United States will accept for resettlement.”

Cities United for Immigration Coalition members, including Garcetti and 17 other mayors declared:”We will welcome the Syrian families to make homes and new lives in our cities.”

How about homes and new lives for our homeless Veterans in our cities?

 By his own admission, Mayor Garcetti has already failed Veterans in L.A and clearly, does not see saving their lives and potential as a priority task. If we follow the mayor’s logic: there are too many American Veterans, but not enough Syrian refugees to be housed, furthermore the city lacks basic means for homeless and disabled Veterans but can splurge for “climate solidarity."

In their letter to Obama members of the “Immigration Coalition” wrote:

“We commend your decision to open America’s doors to at least 10,000 Syrian refugees displaced by civil war, and applaud your commitment to increase the overall number of refugees the U.S. will resettle over the course of the next two years. This announcement is a vital step to honouring America’s commitment to support those fleeing oppression.”

This announcement is indeed a vital step, attesting that the mayors are derelict in their duty of honoring America’s most deserving citizens: our Veterans. It proves beyond a reasonable doubt that the foreign flag wavers discriminate against homeless and disabled heroes, prioritizing foreign interests.

It’s a well known fact that homelessness can lead to high death rates and short life expectancy; everyone who obstructs immediate help to our Veterans does so knowingly and willingly.

Obama's gutless Veterans Affairs Secretary McDonald should be reading Eric Garcetti and the “Immigration Coalition” the riot act, and his Orwellian “expert on Veteran homelessness," Vince Kane, should protest against giving priority to “foreign aid” while our Veterans are agonizing on the streets.

Secretary McDonald did not learn at West Point that lack of accountability is temporary, but warriors are forever.

Can anyone argue that a government that gives aid to foreigners whilst psychologically and legally stripping away the defences of its Veterans is a government not guilty of towering hypocrisy.

Joanna Rosamond

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