Chris and the two Cuban guys

Last night, I got a tweet from a friend.  He was asking my reaction to Chris Matthews's remarks about the two Cuban guys.  Mr. Matthews said it in the context of Mr. Trump skipping the GOP debate:

"Who’s going to watch a debate between the two Cuban guys?" he asked during Tuesday night's episode of "Hardball." "Who’s gonna watch a debate between Rubio, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz? Who cares?"

First, I am not a liberal.  In other words, I am not a modern liberal who rushes to the racism corner every time someone makes a stupid statement.   

Second, Matthews is doing what many liberals do with respect to Cuban-Americans.  They don't think we are Hispanics, a rather bizarre conclusion.   

Not Hispanic?  Think again, Chris Matthews.  Or does Mr. Matthews think that "Hispanic" is a synonym for "liberal"?

Third, what would the liberal corner be saying if some conservative commentator had said something like this but replaced "Cuban" with "African-American"? 

Finally, the fact is that millions will watch the debate without Trump.  After all, there are many of us who are interested in what the different candidates have to say.  Mr. Trump is leading the national polls, but more than half are not supporting him.

Will anyone watch "the Cuban guys"?  Yes.

Will anyone watch Matthews and Hardball?  Well, the numbers tell us that few do.

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