Emails reveal Hillary vetted plans to undermine Israel with covert ops

When Hillary Clinton famously blamed her husband’s bimbo eruption troubles on a “vast right wing conspiracy,” she revealed, via projection, her own approach to getting things done.  Covertly pulling strings behind the scenes, mobilizing forces to act while maintaining personal deniability to foment events and determine outcomes is the very definition of conspiracy, and now also is revealed to be the way Hillary’s staff has been conditioned to think about action for the SecState in the latest trove of Hillary emails.

Adam Kredo of the Free Beacon highlights two emails that reveal the sort of strategies her advisers believe she would consider.  In one, dated December 18, 2011, former U.S. ambassador to Israel Thomas Pickering proposed to “use” (as in gin up) demonstrations by Palestinians in order to pressure the Israeli government to restart stalled negotiations.

Fomenting political unrest in an ally by covertly encouraging demonstrations.  Of course, they are supposed to be “nonviolent.”  In explaining how this would be accomplished, Pickering reveals a pragmatic (and therefore rather insulting) view of the nature of Palestinian culture:

It must be all and only women. Why? On the Palestinian side the male culture is to use force. Bedouins were for years tribal raiders and bride stealers from other tribes. It defined the male being and the Arabs invented 'macho'. Palestinian men will not for long patiently demonstrate — they will be inclined over time and much too soon to be frustrated and use force. Their male culture comes close to requiring it.

Pickering insists that there must be no U.S. fingerprints on the demonstrations – the conspiracy must be protected:

Most of all the United States, in my view, cannot be seen to have stimulated, encouraged or be the power behind it for reasons you will understand better than anyone. I believe third parties and a number NGOs on both sides would help, particularly if there were an outline of a peace document with parameters which, like those at the end of the Clinton administration, promised a fair and lasting peace and which the women on both sides could agree to support.

The second email, dated September 24, 2010, comes from Anne-Marie Slaughter, who was Hillary’s director of policy planning at the State Department, and was sent staff-wide to Hillary’s inner circle.  In it, she recommended mobilizing Hillary’s millionaire and billionaire friends to take a “pledge for Palestine” and devote significant portions of their wealth to the Palestinian cause:

Suppose we launched a "Pledge for Palestine" campaign that copies Warren Buffet's "The Giving Pledge" campaign, described below — he's trying to get 40 billionaires to give away most of their money. I had asked some S/P folks to think about how we might take that campaign global to help change the attitudes of elites in places like Pakistan and Latin America, but perhaps Warren Buffet could be convinced to lend his name — or perhaps Michael Bloomberg or Danny Abraham (together with a very wealthy Muslim) - to a similar Pledge for Palestine campaign. Such a campaign among billionaires/multi-millionaires around the world would reflect a strong vote of confidence in the building of a Palestinian state and could offset the ending of the moratorium for Palestinians (there would also be a certain shaming effect re Israelis, who would be building settlements in the face of a pledge for peace). With even 30 calls to the right people in the Clinton fundraising network it should be possible to generate a substantial enough amount quickly enough to capture the public imagination on the heels of the President's speech and, critically, to serve as an expression of global solidarity with the Palestinians and but also a meaningful promise of material improvements for Palestinians on the West Bank. That could significantly bolster Abbas in a way that could help him stay in the talks. This is what diplomacy beyond the state should mean.

Can we call this a  “vast anti-Israel conspiracy”?

Update from Clarice Feldman

A reminder from JOM poster JMH:

The Free Beacon has been doing great investigative reporting on Hillary, haven't they?. That whole business of "sparking Palestinian protests" is simply astonishing at every level! It wasn't a Sid Blumenthal scheme, either, it was coming from our Ambassador to Israel, at the time. Jeez. If anyone is wondering why the name Thomas Pickering rings a bell, guess where he turned up:

Testifying... in front of the House Oversight Committee, Ambassador and former Chairman of the Benghazi Accountability Review Board [ARB] Thomas Pickering said he was proud of report produced by the ARB that has been described as a "whitewash.

"I am aware that no report will ever be perfect. But I am proud of this one which has always been seen by many as clear, cogent and very hard hitting - as it should be," Pickering said. "I feel that this report is still on the mark, free of cover up and political tilt, and will personally welcome anything new which sheds light on what happened that helps us to protect American lives and property in the future."

Pickering said during his investigation of the Benghazi attack more than 100 people were interviewed, not one of them was former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Pickering also said the ARB was not a "gotcha, investigative" panel. It was also revealed members of the ARB regularly briefed Clinton and her closed advisors on the status of their probe and that the ARB showed Clinton the report before it was released.

Accountability. Right. 

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