Pathetic Hillary campaign response to latest email scandal: ‘overclassification run amok’

It may be enough for Hillary’s lickspittles like Max Fisher and Paul Krugman, but the response of the Hillary campaign to the revelation that the State Department has refused to release anything from the contents of 22 emails on her server because they are too sensitive, including information on human sources, is pathetic.  Via Josh Gerstein and Rachel Bade of Politico:

“This is overclassification run amok. We adamantly oppose the complete blocking of the release of these emails,” campaign spokesman Brian Fallon said on Twitter. Appearing on MSNBC after the news broke, Fallon vowed to fight the decision.

“You have the intelligence community, including an Intelligence Community Inspector General, as well as the inspector general at the State Department, that have been insisting on certain ways of deciding what is classified and what’s not," he said. "We know that there has been disagreement on these points, and it has spilled out into public view at various points over the last several months. It now appears that some of the loudest voices in this interagency review that had some of the strongest straightjacket-type opinions on what should count as classified, have prevailed. That’s unfortunate. We strongly disagree with the finding that has been reached today, and we are going to be contesting it and seeking to have these emails released.”

"We will pursue all appropriate avenues to see that her emails are released in a manner consistent with her call last year," Fallon said in a statement released through the campaign.

Rope a dope, pure and simple.  But that works only on dopes.  They know the emails can’t be released, so the demand to release them will be futile, and they will just claim that these were yoga positions and wedding dress plans that were mistakenly classified.  They are in effect demanding that national security be compromised even further.  That won’t fly.

Even the vile Max Fisher, attempting to justify the talking points in Vox, seems halfhearted, using works like “possible”:

… the key dispute is over whether the classification shows that Clinton was emailing out highly sensitive secrets or if these were everyday emails that just got swept up in America's deeply broken classification system. There's some real reason to believe that the latter is at least possible.

As David Spade used to say on SNL, “yeah, and monkeys could fly out my butt.”

Chuck Ross of the Daily Caller utterly demolishes this argument by pointing to the example of correspondence involving hatchet man Sidney Blumenthal:

Previous State Department releases of Hillary Clinton emails have contained messages from her longtime friend and intelligence-provider, Sidney Blumenthal, that have been deemed to contain some classified information. But none of the records were completely classified, as is the case with four emails Blumenthal emails released by the State Department on Friday. (snip)

The State Department has already released dozens of Blumenthal emails that contained highly sensitive information. But all of those emails had at least some portions that were viewable. That is not the case with four records released on Friday.

As the Clinton ship sinks, numbers of rats will jump off.  Others will simply go down with the ship.

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