Sweden announces it may expel up to 80,000 ‘asylum seekers’

Strained to the breaking point by the largest per capita influx of Muslims claiming to be “refugees,” Sweden’s government is finally planning to vet and even expel those invaders who are not legitimately escaping the threat of death.  If, that is, they can find them (which is a big if).

The U.K. Guardian reports:

Sweden is gearing up to reject up to 80,000 people who applied for asylum in the country last year, as many as half of whom will be forced to leave against their will, according to official estimates.

The interior ministry has called on police and migration authorities to prepare for a sharp increase in deportations, and to arrange charter flights to expel failed asylum seekers to their country of origin. Sweden is also approaching other EU countries, including Germany, to discuss cooperation to increase efficiency and make sure flights are filled to capacity, it said.

The country received more than 160,000 asylum applications last year – by far the biggest influx in the EU as a proportion of the population. Between 60,000 and 80,000 of them will be rejected, the interior minister, Anders Ygeman, told Swedish media on Thursday.

The revelation that a large proportion of asylum seekers will be turned down, and as many as half of failed applications will be forcibly ejected, sends another signal to refugees that Sweden is no longer extending the warm welcome it offered to them just a few months ago.

But as the BBC reports, finding them after the wheels of justice have slowly turned will be a problem:

Mikael Ribbenvik, head of operations at the Swedish Migration Agency, told the BBC that assessing all the asylum applications would be "an enormous feat to accomplish" and would require more resources from the government.

"A lot of people leave voluntarily and a lot of people abscond. And then we have a few people that are staying on that are impossible to remove because of identification purposes," he said.

The Swedish government is taking this move only because the public demands it in the face of murder, mob violence, and shocking disorder:

Swedish police have resorted to sending undercover officers to Stockholm’s swimming pools amid a rising number of sex assaults on girls by migrants.

Plain clothes police will monitor swimming baths in the Swedish capital after ‘a few dozen’ suspected cases of sexual harassment were reported mainly by parents of teenage girls.

It comes amid reports that a number of girls said they had been sexually assaulted by young male asylum seekers at the city’s Eriksdalsbadet Olympic baths in the past three weeks.

Of all the political parties, only the Sweden Democrats are willing to speak openly about the problems associated with Muslim invaders, and for their honesty, they are shunned by the other parties and vilified in the media.  However, the public is turning toward the S.D. because of the default of the establishment.  This move, thus, represents a real change.

That is, assuming the authorities actually follow through.

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