This dog is going to heaven

I believe that President Truman once said something about dogs and friends in Washington D.C. Let me paraphrase the 33rd president allegedly said: If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog!

Let me add this: If you want a faithful partner or one willing to die for you then get a dog, too.

Down in Colombia, an Army dog was buried with full military honors. It brought a tear to my eye.    

Here is the report:

An explosives detection dog of the Colombian Military died after saving 30 soldiers from being victims of an anti-personnel mine in a rural area of the municipality of Suarez, in the southwest of the country, according to military sources.

Azabache, a trained canine taking part in various operations of the Third Army Division over the past three years, was severely injured by the explosion of a mine Wednesday while moving alongside a group of soldiers in the small village Patio Bonito, in the department of Cauca.

The explosion alerted the soldiers, who immediately rushed to aid Azabache and provided first-aid before he was taken by helicopter to a veterinary center in Cali.

According to veterinarians of the Third Army Division, the explosion caused internal injuries which led to the death of the canine, who was two years short of reaching his retirement and ending his military career.
"As for any of our soldiers, we feel great remorse over the death of Azabache, who had managed to locate a great quantity of explosives during his three years of work in the institution," said the commander of the Third Division, General Luis Rojas.

The general noted that the team which Azabache belonged to was in an area where drug gangs have influence.


Azabache's funeral this Thursday was held with a military ceremony and he was buried by the soldiers he protected in the vicinity of the command post of the Apolo Task Force in Cauca.

What a story.

We've all heard reports of how dogs work with our armed forces in places like Afghanistan. The dog and soldier become one, as I've seen often when meeting returning soldiers and their dogs.

Up here, we walk our dogs and they become family. We even have a "pet's night" at the Rangers' ball park, i.e. Bark at the park! (They probably didn't have one at the Cowboys' games for fear that barking would turn into growling!)

In other places, dogs protect men from mines and other dangers, as in Colombia. They do the dirty and dangerous work that saves lives.

All dogs go to heaven, and this one definitely will find a special spot waiting.

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