Very unhappy-looking women behind Bill Clinton during speech

Bill Clinton made his debut as a solo campaigner for wife and enabler Hillary Rodham Clinton at a Nashua, N.H. rally Monday.  The camaign staff dutifully assembled a collection of people on risers behind him, intended to demonstrate his (and by extension her) appeal.  The result was not as intended.  As the U.K. Daily Mail observed:

And a young woman standing in the back against a Hillary 'Fighting for us' backdrop closed her eyes for significant stretches of time as TV cameras rolled and a girl in front of her scowled and fought off a yawn.
The New Hampshirites standing on stage with Bill were all smiles as he was introduced, but quickly seemed bored once he began talking.

It was odd to see a number of very unhappy women behind Bill Clinton during a recent speech.  What could be on their minds?

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