What has Sarah done?

Sarah Palin was our heroine.  She was a true-blue conservative.  She brought the crowds at conferences to their feet with her sound, sensible, and thoroughgoing blasts at the establishment.  She always insisted that we stay true to the Constitution and Tea Party ideals.  But now it appears that she has tossed all those ideals to the winds.

Sarah has endorsed a candidate for president who has, as does the current president, much charisma and apparently no actual concept of the job.  If he does understand it, he has not made it clear.  Donald Trump has no stated plan for the economic problems we face; he has no real plan for foreign policy; he has no stated plan for our defense.  He has no solid ideas other than to build a wall on the Mexican border, or on how to carry out the impossible proposal to deport more than 10 million illegals.  He is good at attacking others but not very good at responding to criticism.  His motto “Make America Great Again” has a distinct echo of “Hope and Change” and “we are the ones we’ve been waiting for.”

As a former governor, Ms. Palin must know it takes more than what Trump is offering to run a state, much less something as huge and complex as this country.

She seems to have abandoned what she always appeared to stand for and espouse for so many years.  It makes one wonder if she, like so many, is all RAH, RAH for conservatism on the surface but actually an establishment booster under the glitz.  Or was she always one?

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