Gloria Steinem demeans young women supporters of Sanders

Hillary Clinton’s surrogates are getting desperate in their efforts to persuade young voters to stop dumping Hillary in favor of Sanders. In Iowa, Sanders won 84% of the 17-29 demographic, a 70 point margin over Clinton, which has the old guard feminists in a panic.

So Gloria Steinem, who once upon a time (when she was young and pretty) celebrated young women as capable of making up their own minds, has now resorted to demeaning them for their support of Sanders. Eugene Scott of CNN:

Feminist icon -- and Hillary Clinton supporter -- Gloria Steinem says young women are supporting Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders because "the boys are with Bernie."

Steinem made the comment Friday night in response to a question from comedian and "Real Time" host Bill Maher when asked why the former secretary of state isn't doing better with young women.

Steinem said that young women will get more radical as they age, because women lose power as they get older.

"They're going to get more activist as they get older," Steinem said. "And when you're young, you're thinking, 'Where are the boys?' The boys are with Bernie."

Desperation will make people like Steinem switch from celebrating girl power to castigating girls as airhead who don’t know any better than to follow the lead of boys.                     

Yeah, that’ll work.

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