Hillary barks!

The pressure is getting to Hillary, what with her Nevada firewall crumbling, the SNL mockery (even though she did a personal appearance there – the ingrates!), and the indignity of losing young people to a 74-year-old socialist Jew.  How else to explain her disarmingly skillful imitation of a dog barking, during a talk in Reno yesterday?

It is obvious from her “you knows” and similar expressions that she is winging it, making it up as she goes.  And going back to Arkansas days, when she and Bill were young and full of promise.  Her facial expression is animated, the words pouring out of her joyfully.

The circuit in her brain that should have said, “Warning! Do not provide grist for the YouTube mill!” was simply not working.  And it must be admitted that it is entirely possible that she does not know what YouTube is, and how readily it can be excerpted.  As, for example, Big Fur Hat of iOTWReport has looped her bark:

And what a bark it is.  Not an Arkansas hound dog, but rather the sort of yappy little dog that Paris Hilton might carry in her purse.

The jokes write themselves.

What happens in Reno doesn’t stay in Reno, especially on YouTube.

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