‘It doesn’t matter if you’re black or white…’

Oh, how far we’ve come…

I saw a clip with the great athlete Jesse Owens.  He stated, “It doesn’t matter if you’re black or white.  It only matters if your’re fast or slow.”

Maybe the Oscars should take note.  Some actors and movies are simply better than others!  No black, no white – just better.

Can you imagine my disappointment when Cam Newton blamed racism for all the criticism he gets?  He’s at the top and still crying racism.

Our president should have take notice of this eight years ago.  Our country might not be in quite the mess it is today.  Mr. President, maybe you can learn from another quote from Jesse Owens: “Find the good; it’s all around you.  Find it.  Showcase it, and you’ll start believing in it.”

Hope and change.  Yeah, good one!

PS: My only claim to fame is being Bobby Titcomb’s sister-in-law.  Now we can all understand why our family is never invited out to the president’s barbeque in the country.  After this he’ll probably never speak to me again; obviously we don’t discuss politics.

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