Obama embraces illegals with STDs

Sadly, the latest segment in Barack Obama’s national makeover includes granting access to the U.S. to immigrants with venereal diseases.  Unlike the process on New York’s Ellis Island, where early 20th-century immigrants afflicted with benign non-communicable conditions like varicose veins, hernias, and poor vision were denied entry, this president must think humanitarianism is best exhibited by exposing healthy Americans to foreigners with contagious genital lesions.

What’s next – based on their skill set on the open sea, Obama unilaterally invites Somali pirates to be the official captains of America’s tugboats?

In 2009, the president pulled HIV from the list of diseases that bar immigrants from coming to the U.S.  Now, according to a report issued by the nonpartisan Center for Immigration Studies, Obama’s Health and Human Services has publicly stated that the cost of handling and treating immigrants with STDs does not impact taxpayers in a significant way. 

Moreover, even though, by nature, venereal disease is contagious, the Obama administration has decreed that specific communicable diseases are no longer “of public health significance.”  Unfortunately, that opinion applies only to those who are thankfully not among the victims sexually abused by one of the 2,000 illegals in Texas, who, with or without a sore on their private parts, were deported because of sex crimes.

That “not … in a significant way” guarantee comes from the same government that had a virtual non-response when undocumented workers illegally employed in places like Chipotle passed along pathogens, which, sorry to say, were likely transported into customers’ intestines via Crispy Corn Tacos contaminated with human feces.

So, if having an oozing genital sore does not prohibit a person entry into the U.S., how is the Obama administration going to ensure that immigrants, who tend to gravitate toward food service, diligently follow proper hygiene protocol after manhandling their genitalia?

They’re not.

Law 360, a website tool for those in the legal profession, reported that under the new immigration rule, despite being infected with a sexually transmitted disease, persons will still be granted entry into the U.S. with things like granuloma inguinale, which is spread through vaginal and anal intercourse; chancroid, which produces a contagious fluid; and bloody/pus-forming lymphogranuloma venereum, a bacterium common in Central and South America.

HHS maintains that although these three bacterial infections are “transmitted through sexual contact, [they] have never been common in the United States and over the past two decades are observed to be increasingly rare throughout the world.”

That said, it appears as if importing individuals afflicted with abscesses on their genitals may just be HHS’s way of assisting Obama’s ongoing effort to level the playing field.  And if that’s the case, pioneering STD sufferers with a mind to relocate will have easy access into a country where, with the government’s help, they are free to pursue a vigorous sex life.  Then, after those who are currently uncontaminated become contaminated, Barack can pat himself on the back for making another thing that’s “never been common in the United States” common.

In any case, similar health- and wealth-sharing processes have already been underway for almost eight years.  By admitting what was once inadmissible, Barack Obama’s effort to turn America into a third-world hellhole has thus far been quite effective.  For example, syphilis, gonorrhea, tuberculosis, and leprosy are still on America’s list of inadmissible communicable diseases.  Nonetheless, along with the unmonitored influx of illegals came syphilis and gonorrhea, both of which are currently on the rise.  As for leprosy, that nasty organism has officially landed, as have plagues like the deadly multi-drug-resistant  tuberculosis (MDR-TB) and death-defying super-lice Maybe the president’s rationale is that in the ongoing quest to dilute what little is left of American culture, citizens contracting exotic third-world diseases, or being infected with an STD from a hardworking immigrant, is a tolerable tradeoff.

In an article entitled “Obama Opens the Border to More STDs,” Jon Feere of The Center for Immigration Studies said that the administration considers the STD rule changes beneficial because physicians who would otherwise be administering physical exams on incoming immigrants “will be able to devote more time and training to other, more common and/or more serious health issues.”

That’s brilliant!  If HHS is to be taken seriously, STDs are being permitted to arrive aboard the genitals of immigrants to further the common good.  In other words, rather than wasting time running a whole battery of tests on pilgrims with penile pustules, stressed out Obamacare doctors will be freed up to focus on more severe health issues.

And just because the immigration system will be less likely to protect Americans from communicable diseases, Jon Feere writes that when it comes to STDs, Americans are “not to worry” because:

HHS … explains that these 'primarily tropical infections can be prevented through improved personal hygiene and protected sex' and that if you do get them, the STDs can be cured 'with a short, uncomplicated course of antibiotic therapy.’

Wait!  Can Cipro also cure beheading?  Because that sounds reminiscent of the reasoning behind accepting Syrian refugees with the full knowledge that the incoming group will likely be infected with a smattering of saber-bearing subversives.

Either way, notwithstanding the inevitability that ISIS will probably lop off a few heads, when did providing antibiotics and hand-washing seminars to sexually promiscuous immigrants become America’s priority?  Furthermore, aren’t our veterans dying on VA waiting lists, and isn’t there an impending antibiotic shortage

Even still, Barack Obama, who knows better, obviously feels that spending $100 million a year to care for immigrants with STDs is a great way to invest the money of those who will ultimately end up suffering as a result of yet another in a long list of imprudent policies.

And so, on the path to “fundamental transformation,” it’s nice to know that if an immigrant with a seething chancroid ulcer should happen to rape an American, the ill-fated event can be promptly remedied by an “uncomplicated course of antibiotic therapy.”

Jeannie hosts a blog at www.jeannie-ology.com.

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