PBS Dem debate moderators ignored Clinton Foundation subpoenas

Once again, our taxpayer-funded broadcaster appeared to be in the tank for Democrats, specifically Hillary Clinton, as PBS and Facebook co-sponsored a Democratic presidential candidate debate last night in Milwaukee.  The very same day that the Washington Post broke the story that subpoenas have been issued to the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation, and to Hillary aide and longtime companion Huma Abedin, the two PBS moderators could not muster a single question on the matter.

Clinton Cash author Peter Schweizer noted at Breitbart:

While presidential candidates Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) has been asked about a loan from Goldman Sachs and Donald Trump about bankruptcies in his past (legitimate questions in my mind), a federal subpoena to a foundation where Hillary Clinton recently served on the board doesn’t even warrant a murmur from Gwen Ifill and Judy Woodward, two PBS journalists?

As the Washington Post’s investigative unit reported just today, the State Department Inspector General issued subpoenas to the Clinton Foundation as part of a federal investigation. (Why did the Inspector General issue the subpoenas? Did the Clinton Foundation refuse to turn over relevant documents? It’s unclear at this point.) What is clear is that the State Department felt the need to obtain internal documents from the Clinton Foundation as part of their investigation.

It’s also clear that the Clinton Foundation is of interest to the American people. All day it was a ten top trending subject of Facebook, which was the cosponsor of the debate. But it was never mentioned by the debate moderators.

In addition to the ongoing email investigation by the FBI, we now know that the bureau is also investigating the Clinton Foundation. How does this not warrant a single question by debate moderators?


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