Poll: 81% of GOP voters see Trump getting the nomination

In the run-up to Super Tuesday, a new poll by Rasmussen Reports, conducted over the two nights before the Republican primary debate in Houston, has the vast majority of the GOP base seeing Donald Trump as the ultimate nominee.

Among likely Republican voters, 81% believe that Trump will win the nomination, with 45% saying his win is now "very likely."

This represents a substantial increase from a week ago, before the South Carolina primary and Nevada caucus, when 71% said Trump would be the nominee – of which 36% thought this result was "very likely."

Only 15% of GOP voters think Trump is unlikely to be nominated, a decline from 24% last week.  Just 6% feel it is "not at all likely" Trump will receive the nomination.

Democrats are also seeing a Trump nomination as increasingly inevitable (62%, up from 49% last week).

Among all voters regardless of party leanings, 70% believe that Trump is the likely nominee, an increase from 58% the week before.  Thirty-seven percent of all voters believe this is "very likely," also up significantly from 25% last week.

Just 8% of all potential voters think Trump being the GOP's candidate in the general election is not at all likely.

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